easy-peasyUbuntu Eee is a popular Linux distribution designed for Asus Eee PCs. It’s based on Ubuntu Linux, but it’s not an official Ubuntu project and so developer Jon Ramvi has been searching for a new name for the Ubuntu Eee for the last few months to avoid trademark issues. Today he’s announced the new name: Easy Peasy.

I’m not really a fan of the name. Sure, the goal is to create a Linux distro that’s easy to install and easy to use. But I’m not convinced that means you need to stick Easy in the name. Asus managed to make Eee a sort of acronym for “easy to learn, easy to work, easy to play.” I thought that worked pretty well.

But anyway, the next version of Ubuntu Eee Easy Peasy will be based on Ubuntu 8.10 and it will be available on January 1st. Ubuntu Eee 8.04.1 has been downloaded over 225,00 times.

Ramvi is looking for a new logo for Easy Peasy and he’s offering up an Eee PC as a prie for the best entry.

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19 replies on “Ubuntu Eee rebranded Easy Peasy, next version due in January”

  1. I agree, “Easy Peasy” is the *worst* name in the world for a Linux distro. At least “Ubuntu Eee” sounded reasonable and had name recognition. “Easy Peasy”, on the other hand, sounds like a Hasbro product as a toy for toddlers.

    If someone asks what OS you’re running, and you say “Easy Peasy”, the first thing they are going to do is laugh their ass off.

    I hope this is a joke and he’ll give it a reasonable name on 1 January.

  2. It would be just so embarassing to tell someone that you’re running “Easy Peasy”! Crazy people continue to even laugh away “Ubuntu”.

  3. I would replace the three “u”s in ubuntu with the three “e”s from eeepc

    Drum roll…. ebente…!!

  4. In Russian all titles sounds like:

    Eee PC = “And peepee (winky, willie pinky, tinkle)”
    ASUS = “Anus”
    Eeebuntu = “Fuckntu”
    XEPC = “Dick”
    Easy Peasy = “Simple winky (peepee, tinkle…)”


  5. This is a Fail of ‘Windows Vista’ proportions.

    Dude, you might know how to throw together a Linux distro, but a Marketing Genius you are not. People downloaded Ubuntu Eee because, well, it was Ubuntu for an Eee. You just cut yourself off from the very people that got you to where you were.

    I’ve been using Ubuntu Eee since it first came out on a 701 (now a 900A), but I swear I’m not going to put something called “easy peasy” on my computer. period.

    1. Between the late release of the 8.10-based version, and the name that has nothing to do with either the eee or ubuntu, I’d say Ramvi is on a fast track to making eeebuntu the most popular ubuntu-based eee os.

      I loved ubuntu eee, but there was no way I was going to wait an extra 2 and a half weeks with no guarantees of any better quality than I could get elsewhere.

  6. Thanks for posting this up here! I might just try entering the logo contest and see if I can come up with something. Easy Peasy is definitely easier to pronounce than Ubuntu EEE!

  7. Meh.

    Main downside: I’d be embarrassed to tell someone the name of the distro I was running.

    1. You just say your running Ubuntu…oh wait, that is just as bad.

  8. I like it! I think people will call it peasy for short, and that is very original.

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