
The folks at The Register have put together the absolute, definitive guide to determining whether that computer you’re toting around in your handbag is an ultra-portable, an ultrathin, a handheld, a netbook, subnotebook, or something else. And when I say absolute, definitive, I totally don’t mean that. Not only is the guide a bit tongue in cheek, but I’d also take issue with the assertion that netbooks don’t have video ports.

Of course, I have to take issue with myself for writing that last sentence, because I firmly believe that this is all just a case of semantics and the primary difference between these machines is that some computer makers have decided to use one word while others have chosen another.

Anyway, you can check out the flow chart after the break. I’d also recommend hitting up the original article at The Register for a good laugh.

via Engadget


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2 replies on “How to tell what kind of little laptop you have”

  1. I thought that clearly meant A/V ports like S-Video and HDMI, which most devices I’ve seen called “netbooks” lack.

  2. They obviously didn’t get the memo where I said Netbooks w/ video ports are now called a Constitution class frigates

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