Japanese company Fixstars has introduces a 2.5 inch solid state drive that can hold up to 6 terabytes of data. The company says it’s the highest capacity 2.5 inch SSD released to date.

The Fixstars SSD-6000M is expected to begin shipping in late July.

fixstars 6000

The drive features 15nm MLC flash memory with sequential read speeds up to 540 MB/s and write speeds up to 520 MB/s. It’s 9.5mm (less than 0.4 inches) thick and weighs 97 grams, or about 3.4 ounces.

2.5 inch drives are commonly used for notebooks, but this model will likely be aimed at enterprise customers at launch. SSDs tend to be much more expensive than hard drives, especially once you start to pack more than 1TB into a single drive.

Fixstars also offers 3TB and 1TB versions of its 2.5 inch SSDs.

Not surprisingly, the company’s press release and product brochure for the SSD-6000M and related products makes no mention of the price. I guess you’ll have to contact the company (and probably commit to a fairly sizable order) to find out how much these things cost.

via MYCE

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18 replies on “Fixstars unveils a 6TB 2.5 inch SSD”

  1. I love that as these go up in storage usable capacities like 128gb go down in price

  2. With so much media content being streamed these days and cheap/free cloud storage around, we’re probably already very close to “peak personal storage” if we haven’t gotten there already.

    Outside of the video games market, there really isn’t another major segment that needs to download many gigabytes of data into their computer. There will always be profession designers, videographers, etc., who consume a lot of bandwidth, of course, but in general, most people are more than happy to let others curate and store their big files.

    I was a little leery about stepping down to a 256GB hard drive when I moved to SSDs in my computers, but I really haven’t missed the extra space. It’s possible another reason for storing many terabytes of data locally will come along (and no, paranoia about the NSA isn’t one of them), but with bandwidth rates soaring (come on Google Fiber, get to my house already!), it may never happen.

    1. meh i just use external mechanical drives that i barely turn on except to grab some files I am not a fan of the cloud

    2. I have no interest in keeping all my “stuff” in the cloud. Just like with banks, cloud services have no interest in letting their customers know how often they have been compromised. Tax records, bank information, embarrasing photos, etc. are better off in MY control. I really don’t get why cloud services are so popular. If you need a lot of storage space it can take forever to upload the content and then every time you want to access it the download speed is much slower than even a slow hard drive. Not to mention data caps, patchy coverage when on-the-go, and the government picking through your stuff whenever they want. To each their own I guess.

      1. Cloud services are popular because they provide convenience that’s very hard to match using a bunch of locally installed applications without a lot of extra knowledge and effort (and expense).

        You might trust yourself to keep your own data secure locally, but I’d wager that the personal data of a majority of computer users is actually safer in the cloud than it is locally, where it can easily get lost, overwritten, stolen, destroyed, wiped, etc.

        Download speeds are rapidly becoming a non-issue. High-speed broadband and 4G wireless can download media files many times faster than you can watch them, and the times when you have to wait more than a few seconds for something to complete downloading before you can continue are getting rarer.

        Data caps will continue to rise. When Time Warner started experimenting with data caps 6 years ago, they were going to cap service at 30GB/month. Ultimately they abandoned their plans altogether, but Comcast is rolling out caps that are 10-times that size (300GB/month) and most high-speed AT&T users have at least 250GB. The Google Fiber roll-out will continue to pressure the competition to keep raising those caps.

        Even with wireless — in the time I’ve spent dithering about buying a smart phone, typical data caps from MVNO’s have risen from around 1GB/month to 5GB/month.

        I don’t like data caps, but again, for a large majority of users, they are likely to soon become a non-issue.

        Yes, there are inherent risks to living in the cloud, but for most users, the services the cloud supplies are simply more convenient than rolling your own and then having to manage it all safely and securely. When the alternative to backing your stuff up to the cloud is no backups at all (or poorly maintained ones), which is no doubt the case for most people, then yes, the cloud is the better option.

    3. Yeah, I can run up my storage capacity pretty quickly, but I like having a nice camera that can film uncompressed 4:4:4 video and take terabytes of footage. That will be possible when 80-100TB drives are out. The Panasonic Gh4 already offers an SGI output accessory for uncompressed HDMI output for $1000 so it already is near consumer affordability.

  3. Ok who has the directions to the Fort Knox thingy and has a mask I can barrow.

    1. your point is taken, but there really isn’t much gold left at fort knox… once the USA left the gold standard the gold has been moved or sold off slowly dwindling to less a quarter of it’s peak following WWII. I guess what I am saying is your better off hitting a bank that has a large number of safety deposit boxes that the super rich frequent. Besides you would have to find a fence willing to take bullion from there… probably you would only get pennies on the dollar.

        1. Ok who has the directions to the oveseas assets of the super rich and has a mask I can borrow?

  4. Dang. Here I am using an old notebook with a 32GB SSD I got for cheap.

  5. sdfgklhsdfhgdsghiudhiogiodhshidhadhfgadfghad

    I think i need a new pair of trousers

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