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Jide release Remix OS 2.0 updates for Nexus 9, Nexus 10, and Ultra Tablet

The company behind Remix OS, a custom version of Android that brings desktop-style features to the mobile operating system, have released new builds for three devices. For the first time you can now install Remix OS 2.0 on the Google Nexus 9 and Nexus 10 tablets. And Jide has also released a new stable build […]

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Remix OS 2.0 now available for Jide’s Remix Ultra Tablet

Now that you can run Remix OS 2.0 on hundreds of desktop and notebook computers, some folks have been wondering why you couldn’t run the latest version of the operating system on the first device to ship with Remix OS. Now you can. Remix OS 2.0 is now available for Jide’s Remix Ultra Tablet. Remix OS is a custom […]

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Remix Mini Android PC raises over $1 million on Kickstarter

What if Android was designed as an operating system for laptop and desktop computers rather than for smartphones and tablets? Then it would probably look a lot like Remix OS. This custom version of Android was developed by Chinese startup Jide, a company founded by former Google employees. Earlier this year they launched a tablet […]