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CrowPi is a Raspberry Pi-based computer science education kit (crowdfunding)

There are plenty of ways to use a Raspberry Pi to learn to code, whether you buy a kid-friendly Kano Computing Kit or just download free software (like Kano’s, for example), that includes simple games, tutorials, and interactive apps for learning to code. But the new CrowPi presents another solution… one that’s not just aimed […]

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Google’s Grasshopper mobile app teaches you to code JavaScript in your free time

Google’s Area 120 has released a new smartphone app designed to teach beginners how to write code. It’s called Grasshopper, and it kind of feels like Duolingo for coding. While Duolingo offers short lessons and quizzes that help you learn to speak, read, and write another language, Grasshopper teaches you a programming language. Javascript, specifically. […]